Phones and iPads
Open Zoom app
Click the settings button (top left or bottom right depending on device)
Click “Meetings”
Scroll down to “Use Original Sound” and make sure in is on (it will switch to green)
Join/start the meeting with the meeting info provided
Click the “more” button on the bottom of the screen and then click “Enable Original Sound”. Step 6 will need to be repeated every time you join a meeting.
Note: Different devices operate slightly differently once the Zoom app is opened, so I have made these instructions as universal as possible based on the latest version of the Zoom app. Please be sure to have the latest version downloaded. In addition, there are multiple ways to open your audio settings (apart from my instructions) which you are welcome to do if you know how. The important thing is that steps 3-6 are executed. Otherwise, you may simply follow the instructions below after joining the meeting.
Join the meeting through your updated Zoom app
Go to the bottom left of the screen. Next to the “mute” microphone there is a small symbol that looks like this ^. Click it and then click “audio settings”. A new window should pop up (**see photo below).
Scroll down to “Microphone”
Make sure “Automatically adjust microphone volume” is NOT selected
Scroll down to “Audio Profile”
Select “Original sound for musicians”
Select all three options (“High fidelity music mode”, “Echo cancellation” and “Stereo audio”)
Note: If your version says “Disable echo cancellation” instead of “Echo cancellation” do NOT select it as this has the opposite effect
Now you may exit the audio settings window.
There should now be a box in the top left of the meeting that says “Turn on Original Sound” – click that at the start of each lesson as we want it to be on. This step will need to be repeated every time you join your lesson, but the other settings should save -- you can always double check this though by referring back to these instructions. You should be able to join the meeting up to 10 minutes before the start time so you can adjust your settings then.
**Your audio settings should match the green circled boxes in the image below
Read through carefully prior to starting online lessons
Devices for Video Calling
Primary Device Options
Any reliable smart phone, tablet, laptop, computer etc. with the updated Zoom app.
Optional Second Device
For playing backing tracks, opening sheet music/lyrics or recording your voice
​Internet & Preventative Measures
Firstly, don't worry if something doesn't go perfectly as we will work out glitches together! Please be sure to test a location with reliable internet before starting your lessons by doing a thorough test video call in the area where you are planning to have your online lessons to make sure your internet connection is strong and reliable. Also test that your audio (speakers/headphones and microphone) are working properly.
Close any extra programs you are running on your device so the only thing running is your video call. Also make sure no one else on your WiFi is streaming/doing anything that would contribute to poor internet connection. If you need to restart your WiFi router, this is the perfect time to do it!
Though not required, a back up device, headphones, a backup video calling platform (Skype/FaceTime) and a separate internet source (ethernet plug/WiFi/cellular data) are all nice to have handy just in case we ever need a quick fix (if this is a reasonable option for you).
Wearing headphones during your lessons helps me hear you more clearly. This is not always necessary, so if you strongly prefer not to wear them we can test this out, but please have some handy just in case. This is mostly dependent on the video calling algorithms and your specific device/setup. I generally recommend having one earbud in so you can still hear yourself clearly. Also, if a parent wants to listen in on the lesson, they can share the other earbud.
A simple external microphone can help me hear you more clearly. Some internal microphones are fine, but if I have any issues hearing you during your lesson, I may recommend you set an external one up if you have not already. A headphone & microphone set up is usually optimal.
Set up Zoom music audio settings -- instructions above.
Physical Set Up​​​
Standing is optimal when singing. Aim to set up your device so you can stand up straight and not have to bend down to look at it.
Make sure your device is charged up or plugged in for your lesson.